Sunday, December 1, 2013

Samba Bar, Thanksgiving, Birthday Parties

We have bee very busy recently! Last weekend, we went to our first Samba Bar with a live band. We ate feijoada, drank caipirinhas and learned how to Samba!
Love the expression on the old man's face!

This Samba band was amazing!

This place was tiny, the bar is behind us.

Behind the musicians is a painting of Brazil's current president in the 70s.

Rusty and Abner

Brody (so handsome!) and our new friend Briana

Thanksgiving in Brazil

I made this Spicy Sausage and Cornbread Stuffing for our Thanksgiving meal. Fifteen of my friends from my American school celebrated the holiday together!
Photo taken before it was finished baking

Ben, Jenny, Don, Kahlie

These friends don't teach at my school, but they are teachers too at a British school here.

Me, Jenny and Kahlie

My Surprise Birthday Party at School

My students threw a surprise birthday party for me on Friday. They brought in tons of food! From brigadeiros and coxinhas to cakes, Brazilians know how to throw a party! Unfortunately, I cant post photos of my students on the internet, but I did take photos of the food!

Brigadeiros and Brigadeiro Cake

Kevin, my assistant, and me

Lemon Cake with Strawberries and "Chantilly"= whipped cream

Chocolate Brownie and eclair

Pizza bites

Coxinhas= chopped or shredded chicken meat fried in batter, molded into a shape resembling a chicken leg

My students made me three cards. This is one of them!

The note they wrote was a tear-jerker! SO SWEET!

Jenny is my sister in Brazil, she has the same birthday as me!

Huge Brigadeiro Cake

Adult Birthday Party at Jenny's Apartment

Jenny took most of the photos at the party with her nice camera.  I will add more later!
Erico and Kahlie

Brody and Jeff playing around!

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