Thursday, February 14, 2013


Rio de Janeiro : Cidade Maravilosa 
Marvelous City

Brody and I visited our friend, Alex, in Rio for four days during Carnaval.  On the first day, we walked down Copacabana beach. The contrast between the beach, buildings and mountains is breathtaking! 

Copacabana Beach
We ate lunch on the beach, where the kitchens are hidden below ground so the view is not interupted. Volleyball nets are set up along the beach. Everyone plays with their feet.

Ipanema Beach and the Bloco Party
We walked from Copacabana beach to Ipanema beach, where we met these men dressed up for Carnaval. The man dressed as a bride is getting married to his fiance in December. The man with the big smile is the 'bride's' brother.
Ready for Carnaval!

Celebrating Carnaval at the Bloco Party

Beautiful Photo of Ipanema Beach in the afternoon

We walked around Lagoa, a saltwater lagoon, on Wednesday afternoon. 

We went to the Sambodroma, where the parade of floats and samba dancers parade in front of bleachers. While we were there, one float caught on fire and a butterfly on top of a crane bumped into a ledge filled with photographers!

The butterfly on top of this float ran into the photographers taking pictures on this ledge. Everyone was fine, the float simply backed up and lowered the crane.
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Photo of the crowd
Favela walking home from Ipanema
While walking home from Ipanema beach, I captured this photo of a favela on the side of a mountain. Most favelas are built on the sides of mountains in Rio, they have the most beautiful views of the city.

We met David and Tatiana through our friend, Alex. Lola is their dog. I took this family portrait in front of this wall with a silly doggie painted on it!

David, Tatiana and Lola

Walking the beach


  1. Martigras pictures are incredible. I can't believe the crowds! You have really put together a facinating blog, keep it up!

    Your Dad misses you!!

  2. Love your blog, Emily! I'm trying to convince Barr for a Sao Paulo transfer, and your blog keeps those conversations going - fingers crossed!!! Enjoy Brazil :)

    1. Thanks Abby! You guys should come visit! You are always welcome to stay with us and we will show you around. Keep talking about living abroad. It has been an amazing experience so far. I know you would love it!
