Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lovely Saturday

Chocolates, Fruits, and Flowers! What else could a girl want?

One of my students had a birthday party last weekend. On Monday, he brought these leftover brigadeiros for me from his party! What a sweetie!

We went to the feira again this morning. You really cant beat the prices, so we try to go every Saturday.
 I know you are probably sick of me posting photos of fruit stands, but I just cant get over the beautiful presentation! I love how they stack the fruits! This time, we also bought lilies.

This lady was too funny! She said I was prettier than Brody! haha

You cant tell in this photo, but the watermelons were HUGE!
We bought a head of lettuce for 2 reais = 1dollar. Wow!
This is what we bought at the feira!
Love these lilies!

Bought this perfume at the drugstore today! I cant wait to wear it tonight to a birthday party!


  1. Everything at the market is so colorful! Love it

  2. I know! I love the colors too! Thanks for reading the blog! Miss you and can't wait to see you in December!

  3. Youre literally the cutest and sweetest, Emily! I feel like it's you talking when you write your blog posts :) Glad to see yall are doing well!! xoxo
